
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Street Preachers

In Africa it is not uncommon to find a preacher delivering the salvation message in a public bus to commuters on the bus. These diligent Christians are referred to as ‘Street Preachers’ or ‘Street Evangelists’. During the two days we travelled to Gulu, Northern Uganda for medical and children ministries, the group had to wake up early to leave for the 3-hour bumpy ride; so we had our morning group devotion during the bus ride. On the second day, Al Knechel and Margaret Whigham led the devotion in their respective buses. Margaret shared from 2. Cor 9: 6-15. She encouraged us to view ourselves as God’s gift to the children and less privileged people of Gulu. We then prayed for more of God’s gift of generosity in Gulu. We are already seeing God's favor on the people of Gulu. Glory be to God, Amen!


Speaking Opportunities
I think that most of us have gotten the opportunity to speak publicly. Just today Cassandra, Barbara, Claire and I spoke at women's meeting of ladies from Gulu and the village of Arut. It was neat the way God wove a common thread through it all as we talked about spiritual and practical things. Tomorrow we will divide up and attend two different churches. Sunday preaches at one church and Joanna shares at another on family. And then we make the trek back to Kampala in the afternoon. Pray for the messages going forth to fall on good soil and for safe travels. 


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